SAS Basics

Using SAS for RSCH Courses

The purpose of this page is to help users understand the basics of using SAS. Please note that while this page will help get you started, it is important that you read all directions in the Canvas module items and course assignments.

The following RSCH courses use SAS Studio:

  • RSCH 650

Be sure to also use the Additional Resources page of this guide to access more in-depth SAS training materials and how-to videos.

If you have any questions or concerns, visit the Support page of this guide

Using SAS Studio: Uploading an Excel Data Sheet

The area of this guide is to help you understand how to upload and save an Excel data file in SAS. Doing so will allow you to use the data for any SAS task within SAS Studio. These steps must be completed before your data is ready to use in SAS.

RSCH 650 requires you to perform a t-test with data loaded in SAS. Visit the Performing a t-Test with SAS Studio area of this guide to learn how .

Additionally, please refer to your course for any assignment specific directions.

Step 1

Sign into SAS through the SAS Sign In page.

Sign into SAS

Step 2

Select SAS Studio from your SAS dashboard.

SAS Studio in the dashboard

Step 3

Before you upload your Excel file, you'll need to create a folder and library to save your work. Otherwise, you will have to repeatedly upload data every time you open the SAS Studio Interface.

Right click on Files (Home) in the Server Files and Folders section. From the dropdown menu, select New > Folder. A dialog box will open.

Files (Home) new folder option in SAS

Step 4

Name the new folder with your COURSE NUMBER (i.e. RSCH 650). Select Save.

Save a new folder in SAS

Step 5

The folder you made will appear under Files (Home). Right click the new folder; from the dropdown menu, select Create > Library. A dialog box will appear.

Create a library

Step 6

Fill out the library information as follows:

  • Name: Same name as the folder.
  • Re-create this library at start-up: Make sure this is selected.
Library options for setup

Step 7

You now have your folder and library set up to be able to save your Excel file as a SAS file (.sas7bdat).

Select your COURSE# folder in the Server Files and Folders section. This will allow you to upload your Excel file into SAS.

Files (Home) option in SAS

Step 8

Select the icon.

Upload an Excel file into SAS

Step 9

The Upload files textbox shows you the path your document will be saved under.

Select Choose Files. This opens up your device's file explorer. Find and open the Excel file you want to upload.

Choosing a file to upload

Step 10

Select Upload.

Upload button for files

Step 11

Open the Files (Home) folder. The Excel file you uploaded will now be listed at the bottom. Double-click it to open it as a new tab in the SAS interface.

Opening filing from Files (Home)

Step 12

You'll see file information open on the right. Select the icon in the toolbar. This helps generate a table of the data in SAS.

The running man icon in SAS

Step 13

You need to now name the data worksheet you'll use in SAS. Type the name in the textbox and select Change. A dialog box with your SAS libraries will open.

Note: You may need to scroll down or expand the window to see the change button.

Worksheet name

Step 14

Select the COURSE# library you created.

In the Data set textbox, type the worksheet name.

Then select Save.

Save to WORK library

Step 15

Open the Libraries directory and open the COURSE# library.

Double-click the name of the .sas7bdat file you saved. This will open your data in the SAS interface.

Open the WORK library

Step 16

You can now see your data organized in columns. You can use this data set to perform multiple tasks in SAS. Visit your course for specific information on the necessary tasks you need to complete.

Data in working library

You may want to visit the Additional Resources page for comprehensive SAS guides and video tutorials. This can help you in performing tasks within the SAS Studio interface.

Performing a t-Test with SAS Studio

You must complete the How to Use SAS Studio for RSCH 650 prior to completing the following steps.

Be sure you refer to your course for assignment specific information. The purpose of this area is to help you perform a t-test using SAS Studio.

Step 1

Be sure you are logged into SAS Studio. If you haven't already, open the Libraries directory and open the WORK folder.

Double-click IMPORT to open your data in the SAS interface.

Open the WORK library

Step 2

Your data should be open on the right area of the SAS interface. To perform a task, go to the Tasks and Utilities section.

Open Tasks > Statistics. Double-click t Test to open the statistics task interface.

Open t-Test

Step 3

You need to load your data into the t-Test interface. Select the icon to open your SAS libraries.

Selecting data

Step 4

Under Roles > t test, choose Two-sample test from the dropdown.

Two sample test for a t-test

Step 5

Two boxes for Analysis variable and Groups variable will appear. Next to Analysis variable, select the icon. A dialog box will open.

Adding Group 1 variable

Step 6

Pick which column from your data that you want for the Analysis variable. Select OK.

Select a variable for group 1

Step 7

Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 for Groups variable.

Step 8

Select Options and under Tails, be sure Two-tailed test is selected.

Setting for two-tailed test

Step 9

You are now ready to run the t-test. Select the icon in the toolbar. A dialog box will open.

Running man in t-test

Step 10

Once you've run the test, your results will appear in the right side of the SAS interface. You can export your results by selecting the following icons:

  1. HTML File: Use this if you are familiar with HTML files and want to share it with HTML coding.
  2. PDF File: Use this if you want to share the results in a static document on its own.
  3. Microsoft Word File: Use this if you want to be able to embed tables, graphs, and other data within a paper. This provides image copies of SAS results.
  4. Email: Allows you to email the files.
Download results of t-test

Performing a linear regression with SAS Studio

You must complete the How to Use SAS Studio for RSCH 650 prior to completing the following steps.

Be sure you refer to your course for assignment specific information. The purpose of this area is to help you perform a linear regression using SAS Studio.

Step 1

Be sure you are logged into SAS Studio. If you haven't already, open the Libraries directory and open the WORK folder.

Double-click IMPORT to open your data in the SAS interface.

Open the WORK library

Step 2

Your data should be open on the right area of the SAS interface. To perform a task, go to the Tasks and Utilities section.

Open Tasks > Linear Models. Double-click Linear Regression to open the statistics task interface.

Open linear regression

Step 3

You need to load your data into the linear regression interface. Select the icon to open your SAS libraries.

Selecting data for linear regression

Step 4

Next to Dependent variable, select the icon. A dialog box will open.

Adding dependent variable

Step 5

Pick which column from your data that you want for the dependent variable. Select OK.

Selecting the dependent variable

Step 6

Scroll to Continuous Variables and select the icon. A dialog box will open.

Adding continuous variable

Step 7

Pick which column from your data that you want for the continuous variable. Select OK.

Selecting the continuous variable

Step 8

Select Model and then select Edit. A dialog box will open.

Edit model

Step 9

Follow the steps below:

  1. Under variables, select the continuous variable you identified in Step 8.
  2. Select Add to move the continuous variable to the model effects side of the model builder.
  3. Verify that your continuous variable is listed under model effects and that Intercept is selected.
  4. Scroll and select OK.
Adding a variable to a model

Step 10

You are now ready to run the linear regression. Select the icon in the toolbar. A dialog box will open.

Running man in linear regression

Step 11

Once you've run the test, your results will appear in the right side of the SAS interface. You can export your results by selecting the following icons:

  1. HTML File: Use this if you are familiar with HTML files and want to share it with HTML coding.
  2. PDF File: Use this if you want to share the results in a static document on its own.
  3. Microsoft Word File: Use this if you want to be able to embed tables, graphs, and other data within a paper. This provides image copies of SAS results.
  4. Email: Allows you to email the files.
Download results of t-test

Performing a correlation with SAS Studio

You must complete the How to Use SAS Studio for RSCH 650 prior to completing the following steps.

Be sure you refer to your course for assignment specific information. The purpose of this area is to help you perform a correlation using SAS Studio.

Step 1

Be sure you are logged into SAS Studio. If you haven't already, open the Libraries directory and open the WORK folder.

Double-click IMPORT to open your data in the SAS interface.

Open the WORK library

Step 2

Your data should be open on the right area of the SAS interface. To perform a task, go to the Tasks and Utilities section.

Open Tasks > Statistics. Double-click Correlation Analysis to open the correlation task interface.

Open correlation

Step 3

You need to load your data into the correlation interface. Select the icon to open your SAS libraries.

Selecting data for correlation

Step 4

Next to Analysis variables, select the icon. A dialog box will open.

Adding analysis variable

Step 5

Pick which column from your data that you want for the analysis variable. It doesn't matter which variable you choose, the results will be the same. Select OK.

Selecting the dependent variable

Step 6

Scroll to Correlate with and select the icon. A dialog box will open.

Adding correlate with variable

Step 7

Pick which column from your data that you want for the correlate with option. t doesn't matter which variable you choose, the results will be the same. Select OK.

Selecting the continuous variable

Step 8

You are now ready to run the correlation analysis. Select the icon in the toolbar. A dialog box will open.

Running man in correlation

Step 9

Once you've run the test, your results will appear in the right side of the SAS interface. You can export your results by selecting the following icons:

  1. HTML File: Use this if you are familiar with HTML files and want to share it with HTML coding.
  2. PDF File: Use this if you want to share the results in a static document on its own.
  3. Microsoft Word File: Use this if you want to be able to embed tables, graphs, and other data within a paper. This provides image copies of SAS results.
  4. Email: Allows you to email the files.
Download results of t-test