Using the Study Plan

This page explains how to use the Study Plan. Below are two methods of utilizing the Study Plan.

Important Note: The example below applies to a majority (but not all) of the assignments; if this does not help you, reach out to your instructor directly.

Method 1: Use Study Plan as a Readiness Tool

You can use the Study Plan to practice content questions before completing graded homework, quizzes, and/or tests. While the questions vary, your performance on the Study Plan is a good indicator for homework, quizzes, and tests.

Step 1

From your Canvas course, either select Study Plan from the links in the last module or the links within individual modules.

An example of the click path to find study plan

Step 2

Select the Prerequisites or Recommendations tab.

Select prerequisites from the Study Plan interface

Step 3

Under Show Study Plan for, select the appropriate chapter you want to practice.

Select specific chapters from the Study Plan interface

Step 4

Choose one of the following for the learning objective you want to practice:

An example of the Study Plan interface in Pearson
  1. Practice: Provides several extra practice questions.
  2. Quiz Me: Three sample questions.
  3. Video Lectures: Not all classes have additional video lectures.

Method 2: Use Study Plan to Practice Specific Homework Problems

Many homework questions have a Study Plan equivalent that you can use to practice before submitting your graded homework.

Step 1

Go to the homework problem and write down the problem number.

An example of where the problem number is located, upper left corner of window

Step 2

  1. From your Canvas course, either select Study Plan from the links in the last module or the links within individual modules.
  2. Select All Chapters.
  3. Select next to the Chapter and Section for the question. In this example, 1.1.31 is Chapter 1, Section 1. All learning objectives will appear; you may have to search the objectives to find the equivalent question.
An example of the click path to find study plan
An example of the click path to find study practice problem.

Step 3

Select the Study Plan question with the same number as the homework problem. The question is the same/similar to the homework problem, but with different numbers.

Step 4

If you are still stuck while practicing, you can select Question Help. Several tools will appear - choose what meets your needs.

Note: Not all tools pictured will be available. Tools available depend on the question type.