
The Virtual Fire Safety Environment (VFSE) will introduce students to the different classes of fire, as well as the correct extinguishing agents to use on a specific type of fire. The simulation presents students with a separate practice and evaluation area, and is designed to give students the opportunity to first understand the classes of fires and then apply their knowledge in example scenarios.

The purpose of this guide is to give an overview of the VSFE application, help students download and open the executable file, and provide quick answers for commonly asked questions. VSFE is an ERAU-Worldwide created application and technical support is provided by the university.


Windows compatible Yes
Mac compatible Yes
Linux compatible Yes
Mobile compatible Yes
Accessible through Canvas Yes
Browser recommendations up to date versions of Mircosoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome
Internet Connection Yes
Requires administrative access/executable file download Yes

Quick Guidance

  • Make sure your system meets the worldwide campus requirements.
  • Use WASD to move within the VFSE

Virtual Fire Safety Environment Gallery

View the VFSE interface in the screenshots below.

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VFSE Homepage
VFSE Main Menu
VFSE Training Example - Applying Extinguishing Agent
VFSE Scenario Example
VFSE Training Example
VFSE Scenario Example
VFSE Training Example - Exploring Extinguishing Agents
VFSE Quiz Example