The ePortfolio Tool is Changing

Worldwide courses are being updated to use the 'ePortfolio (New)' tool (formerly known as Portfolium/ Folio). If you are using the 'Legacy ePortfolio' tool, you may continue to use it, but we recommend moving your content to ePortfolio (New) as there are many new features available to you.

Rebuilding Your Profile in ePortfolio (New)

Currently, there is not a way to migrate your content, but you can download your old content and import items using the following steps:

  1. From Canvas, select Account and then Legacy ePortfolios.
  2. Towards the bottom of the page, select the Download the contents of this ePortfolio as a zip file.
  3. From the Account menu, select ePortfolios (New).
  4. Select the profile picture in the upper left corner to be directed to ePortfolio's website. Here you can update your profile with the content you downloaded.


The Legacy ePortfolio tool allows students to display specific submissions and experiences from multiple course in one location. This provides opportunities to draw connections between course work and reflect on the learning process and outcomes. ePortfolios can be set to private so only ERAU users can view the content, or public so students can share their work with future employers as well.

The purpose of this guide is to help students create their ePortfolio and manage the sections, pages, and content blocks/artifacts within. Refer to this guide at any time to help develop a robust portfolio of course work.

Tech Specs

Windows compatible Yes
Mac compatible Yes
Linux compatible Yes
Mobile compatible Yes
Accessible through Canvas Yes
Browser recommendations up to date versions of Mircosoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome
Internet Connection Yes
Requires administrative access/executable file download No

Quick Guidance

    Many ERAU courses utilize the ePortfolio tool to develop a comprehensive catalog of a student's course work, aligning it with degree learning outcomes. Students can use ePortfolio to:

    • Create an online educational journal for reflection
    • Create an online site that can be turned in as an online Assignment
    • Demonstrate mastery of course outcomes
    • Share your best work from multiple courses
    • Showcase professional-quality work for prospective employers