Download Office 365 Desktop Apps

The images below were captured on a Windows 10 computer with Mozilla Firefox browser. Your installation experience may vary slightly.

Step 1:

Login to ERNIE with your ERAU username and password.

ernie login

Step 2:

Click on the E-mail icon at the top of the ERNIE home page.

Step 3:

Open the app launcher in the upper right corner of your Outlook email.

Step 4:

In the App menu, click on the link for Office 365.

Step 5:

Click on the link for Install Office apps.

Step 6:

Click on Office 2016 from the drop-down menu. Save the file to your computer.

Step 7:

Locate the Setup.X86.en-us_0365 exectuable file on your computer and double-click on the file to start the installation.

Step 8:

On the Activate Office window, enter your ERAU username and password to complete the installation process.

Visit the Troubleshoot Office Installation page for help with common issues and error messages.