
Microsoft Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application that can draw a variety of diagrams. These include flowcharts, org charts, building plans, floor plans, data flow diagrams, process flow diagrams, business process modeling, swimlane diagrams, 3D maps, and many more.

Several courses at ERAU-Worldwide utilize Microsoft Visio for course work. The software is included with the university's Microsoft licensing, but needs to be downloaded separate from other Office 365 products. The purpose of this guide is to help users download the tool, understand how to use the software, and save work.

Tech Specs

ERAU-Worldwide Campus: Be sure your device meets the minimum ERAU Computer Requirements.

Quick Guide

Some courses utilize both Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio together; check your course for details regarding software requirements. If necessary, visit the Microsoft Project guide for step-by-step instructions. Microsoft Project Guide