Using Blogger
Share Your Blog

Creating and Sharing Your Blog

Review the tabs to learn how to create a blog, share a blog, and find additional resources on Blogger.

Have a question not answered in this guide? Visit the Support page for additional resources.

Create Blog

Step 1

Select Create Blog.

Create Blog

Step 2

Title your blog, then select Next.

Title Blog

Step 3

Choose a URL name for your blog. This must be unique, so it may take some modification to choose an available address. Select Save.

Choose URL

Step 4

To create your first blog post, select New Post.

New Post

Step 5

Editing a blog post is as easy as editing a Microsoft Word Document or Google Doc file.

Create Post Content

Step 6

When you have titled your post and added all the content, select Publish and Confirm.

Publish Post

You have successfully created and published your first Blog post.

Share a Blog Publicly

Blogs created through Blogger are public by default. Blogs are accessible through the custom URL you created. You can share the blog by selecting the Share Icon on the post.

Share Post

A popup will appear with several options for sharing your post.

Share Popup

Share a Blog Privately

You can make your blog private by following these steps.

Step 1

Select the Settings tab of your blog, and scroll to the Permissions section.

Blog Permissions

Step 2

Select Reader Access.

Reader Access

Step 3

To make the blog accessible to specific readers, select Custom Readers then select Save.

Custom Readers

Step 4

Select Invite more readers to open the invite menu.

Invite More Readers

Step 5

Enter the emails of the readers you would like to invite, then select Send.

Invite Emails

Your blog is now privately available to readers you select.

Blogger Help

Visit the Blogger Help site to browse or search for instructions. Here are some guides to answer common questions and help you get started on your blog: